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View completed tasks in Todoist

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Todoist stores all completed tasks, so you can easily search and manage all the work you’ve accomplished. View your completed tasks to reflect on the progress you're making, and celebrate the goals you've achieved.


View completed tasks inside projects

View all of the project's tasks that have been completed and removed from the active task list:

  1. Click the project.
  2. Click View at the top-right.
  3. Turn on Completed tasks.
  1. Tap the project.
  2. Tap the three dots icon in the top-right.
  3. Tap View.
  4. Turn on Completed Tasks.
  1. Tap the project.
  2. Tap the three dots icon in the top-right.
  3. Tap View.
  4. Turn on Completed Tasks.


Restore or delete completed tasks in a project

To restore completed tasks in a project, turn on Completed Tasks and uncheck them. They'll be added back to your active task list. Learn more about uncompleting tasks.

To delete completed tasks, select these tasks and delete them.

View completed tasks in the Activity log

In your Activity log you’ll be able to view your completed tasks (including recurring tasks) from all projects.

  1. Click your avatar on the top-left.
  2. Select Activity log.
  3. Click All actions.
  4. Select Completed tasks.
  1. While viewing a project, tap the three dots icon on the top-right, and select Activity log.
  2. Tap the filter icon on the top-right, and select Filter by action.
  3. Select Completed tasks.
  1. While viewing a project, tap the three dots icon on the top-right, and select Activity log.
  2. Tap the filter icon on the top-right, and select By event type.
  3. Next, select Completed tasks.
Tasks displayed in the Activity log cannot be edited or uncompleted; this can only be done inside projects.

View completed tasks in the task view

You can quickly see all of your completed sub-tasks by opening the task view of the parent task. Here’s how:

Click a parent task to see the details in the task view. If there are any completed sub-tasks, you’ll see them under Sub-tasks.

  1. Tap a task to open task view.
  2. Tap the three dots icon in the top-right.
  3. Tap Show Completed Sub-tasks.

Tap a task to open the task view. If there are any completed sub-tasks, they will appear in the Sub-tasks view below.


Will completed tasks show up in the original order they had in a project?

No, completed tasks will show up at the bottom of a section's or parent task's active task list.

Why are my recurring tasks not visible in the completed tasks view inside projects?

A recurring task is a single task with a shifting due date, rather than multiple separate tasks. So when you complete your task, it will be registered in the Activity log, however, the task itself will not be moved to the completed tasks list. 

Can I create a filter that includes completed tasks?

This is unfortunately not currently possible. Sorry!