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Manage your Pro plan billing

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How to update your billing information

It's important to keep your billing information up to date, so that your subscription will stay active. How you update your billing information depends on what platform you used when setting up your subscription:

Upgraded via the Todoist website

  1. Click your avatar in the top-left.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Open the Subscription tab.
  4. Click Go to billing.
  5. In the Billing Information section, click Update information.
  6. Update your details.
  7. Click Save.

Upgraded via App Store

To change your billing information via the App Store, you can follow Apple’s instructions.

Upgraded via Google Play

To change your billing information via Google Play, you can follow Google’s instructions.

How to update your card details

Upgraded via the website

  1. Click your avatar in the top-left.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Open the Subscription tab.
  4. Click Go to billing.
  5. In the Payment Method section, click Add payment method.
  6. Enter your new card details.
  7. Select if you'd like to use this card as a default payment method. 
  8. Click Add.

Upgraded via App Store

To update your card details for the App Store, you can follow Apple’s instructions.

Upgraded via Google Play

To update your card details for Google Play, you can follow Google’s instructions.

How to change your billing cycle

The Pro plan is available on a monthly or a yearly basis, and you can change your billing cycle at any time.

However, how to change the billing cycle (as well as the implications of the change) will depend on whether you upgraded through the Todoist website or via a third-party store.

Card payments

If you upgraded to the Pro plan with a debit or credit card from our website, here’s how you can change your billing cycle:

  1. Click your avatar in the top-left.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Open the Subscription tab.
  4. Click Go to billing.
  5. Click Update plan on the right.
  6. Select the new billing cycle, monthly or yearly.
  7. Click Select
  8. Click Continue to save the changes.

Changing from monthly to yearly

When you change your billing cycle from monthly to yearly, you establish a new billing cycle starting on that day.

Your plan will renew automatically exactly one year from the date on which you made the change. If you have any unused time left on your previous monthly subscription, the remainder will be deducted from your upcoming invoice for your yearly subscription.

  • For example: If you set up a monthly Pro subscription on April 20, 2022, and switched to yearly payments on May 16, 2022, the new billing cycle will start on May 16. Your renewal date will therefore to be set for May 16 2023. The equivalent of the value of the remaining four days on your monthly subscription will be deducted from your next invoice.

Changing from yearly to monthly

When you change your billing cycle from yearly to monthly, your plan will renew automatically exactly one month from the date on which you made the change.

The remaining time on your previous yearly subscription will be converted to account credit which will be used to partially or completely cover the upcoming monthly payments until your account balance runs out.

  • For example: If you set up a yearly Pro subscription on April 20, 2022, and changed to monthly payments on July 20, 2022, the new billing cycle will start on July 20, 2022. Your renewal date will therefore set for August 20, 2022. The remaining 9 months on your yearly subscription will be converted to account credit, which will automatically be used to pay for your upcoming monthly invoices until the balance runs out.

App Store subscriptions

To change your billing cycle via the App Store, you can follow Apple’s instructions. If you subscribed via App Store or Mac App Store and changed your billing cycle from monthly to yearly or vice versa, the change will only be applied when the current cycle ends.

  • For example: If you have a yearly subscription and you change your billing to monthly while you still have 6 months left on your subscription, you'll keep the yearly subscription until it expires. Once your subscription runs out, the new monthly billing cycle will begin.

Google Play subscriptions

If you want to change your billing cycle from monthly to yearly or vice versa, you can cancel your current subscription via Google Play. Once you’ve done this, you can resubscribe selecting the new billing cycle.

Because the billing cycle of running subscriptions purchased via Google Play cannot be changed, there’s no impact on your current billing cycle. You will simply establish a new billing cycle when you resubscribe.


Can I get a refund?

If you have a yearly subscription, you are eligible for a refund within 30 days of purchase or renewal. You can find instructions on how to request a refund here.

How can I change my payment method? 

In order to change your payment method, please cancel your current subscription, and subscribe to the Todoist Pro plan again, using your preferred payment method. 

Please note, if you subscribe on App Store or Google Play, the subscription payment will be deducted right away, even if you still have the remaining Todoist Pro time on your account (it will be added again once your paid plan will expire).

How can I delete my card details? 

Unfortunately, due to a limitation of the payment system, you won't be able to delete your card details until you add a new card to the billing page. Please contact us to request the card deletion from your account.