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Default sorting order for Todoist tasks

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When you’re looking at a view in Todoist, like Today or a filter, you may wonder how the tasks are ordered. Learn how tasks are sorted in each view.

  • Overdue tasks can't be manually sorted. 🙅‍♀️
  • Apply your preferred sorting order to your tasks using Todoist's sorting options.
View Criteria Sorting
Today and Upcoming  

In these views, tasks are Smart sorted by default:

Date and time (or deadline, if the task doesn't have a date) → Priority → Deadline → Manual ordering → Task creation date and time

They can be rearranged if they have the same due time and priority. You can turn on Manual sorting to freely reorder your tasks.

Labels   Priority → Date and time → Deadline → Project order → Task order within their project
Filters Without due date queries Priority → Date and time → Deadline → Project order → Task order within their project
With due date queries Date and time (or deadline, if the task doesn't have a date) → Priority → Deadline → Manual ordering → Task creation date and time

In projects, tasks are shown in the order in which they were added. Moreover, tasks are sorted within each section, rather than across sections.

To change the task order, apply a sorting option to the project or manually drag your tasks.

About ascending or descending order

When a sorting or grouping option is turned on in your view, tasks are sorted by your selected criteria in ascending order by default.

This excludes sorting by Priority. If tasks are sorted by Priority, the order will be descending, from P1 to P4.

Reversing the order will only affect the primary sorting criteria, all secondary criteria will be sorted by default.

Get help

If you notice something's not right with how tasks are ordered in Todoist, get in touch with us.